
Authentication Domain in FoodService MVC Application


The authentication domain in the FoodService MVC application is designed to handle user authentication and authorization processes. This includes user registration (sign-up), login (sign-in), managing user roles, and retrieving user information. The domain is structured to ensure secure and efficient handling of these operations, leveraging modern ASP.NET Core MVC practices and patterns.

Key Components



  • Purpose: Manages user authentication actions such as sign-up and sign-in.

  • Key Actions:

    • SignUp(): Displays the sign-up page.

    • SignUp(SignUpDto): Handles form submission for user registration.

    • SignIn(): Displays the sign-in page.

    • SignIn(SignInDto): Handles form submission for user login.

HTTP Requests


  • Purpose: Provides methods to make HTTP requests related to authentication.

  • Key Methods:

    • SignUp(SignUpDto): Registers a new user.

    • SignIn(SignInDto): Authenticates a user and retrieves an SSO token.

    • AddUserToAdminRole(int userId): Adds a user to the admin role.

    • GetCurrentUser(): Retrieves information about the currently authenticated user.

    • GetUserDto(int id): Retrieves a user DTO by ID.

    • ListUsers(): Lists all users.


Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

  • SignUpDto: Represents data required for user registration.

  • SignInDto: Represents data required for user login.

  • SsoDto: Represents Single Sign-On (SSO) token details.

  • UserDto: Represents detailed user information.

  • UserBase: Basic user information model.

  • ClientUser: Represents user data for client-side operations.



  • Purpose: Encapsulates the response structure for HTTP requests.

  • Attributes:

    • IsSuccess: Indicates if the request was successful.

    • Message: Contains any error or success messages.

    • Data: Contains the data returned by the request.

    • StatusCode: HTTP status code of the response.

View Components


  • Purpose: Determines and displays the authentication status of the user in the UI.

  • Key Method:

    • Invoke(): Checks if the user is logged in and returns the appropriate view.



  • Purpose: Manages the storage and retrieval of the user's access token.

  • Key Functions:

    • SetAccessToken(string token, DateTime expiration, string roles): Stores the access token and related information.

    • GetAccessToken(): Retrieves the stored access token.


  • Purpose: Provides localization services for the application.

  • Key Functions:

    • GetKey(string key): Retrieves the localized string for a given key.


  1. Sign-Up Process:

    • User navigates to the sign-up page.

    • Submits the sign-up form with user details.

    • AuthController.SignUp(SignUpDto) processes the form and sends a request to AuthHttpRequest.SignUp(SignUpDto).

    • If successful, the user is redirected to the sign-in page.

  2. Sign-In Process:

    • User navigates to the sign-in page.

    • Submits the sign-in form with login credentials.

    • AuthController.SignIn(SignInDto) processes the form and sends a request to AuthHttpRequest.SignIn(SignInDto).

    • If successful, the user's token is stored using AccessTokenManager, and the user is redirected to the home page or profile page.

  3. User Role Management:

    • Admin can add a user to the admin role using AuthHttpRequest.AddUserToAdminRole(int userId).

  4. Retrieving User Information:

    • Current user information can be retrieved using AuthHttpRequest.GetCurrentUser().

    • Specific user details can be retrieved using AuthHttpRequest.GetUserDto(int id).

  5. Displaying Authentication Status:

    • AuthenticationStatusViewComponent checks if the user is authenticated and renders the appropriate UI elements (e.g., Sign-Up, Sign-In, Profile).

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